What is Lyme Disease?

What is Lyme Disease?

What Is Lyme Disease? What is Lyme Disease was Written by Dr. Diane Mueller This blog will cover the following topics: The signs and symptoms of Lyme Disease How Lyme Disease is diagnosed The importance of getting a correct diagnosis for targeted and effective treatment If you experience fatigue, headaches, or muscle and joint pain, […]

Pyroluria & Mental Health: Fats Connection Unveiled – My Lyme Doc


Understanding Pyroluria: Linking Fatty Acids to Mental Health Pyroluria was Written by Dr. Diane Mueller In this article, we will talk about how some kinds of fats in our diet can affect our mental health, specifically in a condition called pyroluria. Omega-3 and omega-6 are types of fats that can be good for our brain, […]

Understanding The Twin Demons: Chronic Fatigue and Pain

chronic fatigue and pain

Chronic Fatigue and Pain Chronic Fatigue and Pain was Written by Dr. Diane Mueller Chronic fatigue and pain can be debilitating and frustrating for those who suffer from these conditions. In recent years, research has revealed a correlation between these symptoms and Lyme disease, a tick-borne illness that can have long-lasting effects on the body. […]

Exploring Lyme Disease Treatment Alternatives – My Lyme Doc

lyme Disease Treatment cure

What are Lyme Disease Symptoms Written by Dr. Diane Mueller One of the most common Lyme Disease symptoms is pain. Most commonly, pain migrates and moves, but this is not always the case. Fibromyalgia is a very common to see in Lyme Disease patients. What happens with fibromylagia, is that the nervous system begins to […]

Functional Medicine Lab Ranges: Diagnosis to Transformation

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Functional Medicine Lab Ranges Written by Dr. Diane Mueller Conventional medicine’s frame of reference is disease management. While this is a necessary part of our health care system, it is only one lens into how we can address health. At My Lyme Doc, we are focused on moving you towards optimal wellness. This means that […]

The Path to Wellness: Exploring Lyme Disease Treatments

treatment lyme disease

Treatments of Lyme Disease Written by Dr. Diane Mueller. Treatments Lyme Disease is a big topic. The tenant of what we recommend for Lyme Disease can be found on other blogs. In this article, we want to introduce you to a peptide called KPV, which we are seeing to be really impactful for many people with […]

Understanding Doxycycline in Lyme Disease Treatment

Lyme Disease Treatment Doxycycline

Lyme Disease Treatment Doxycycline Written by Dr. Diane Mueller This is a very controversial topic because doxycycline is the most commonly prescribed drug for Lyme Disease, especially in the acute stage. It is clear that doxy definitely makes many people’s acute symptoms go away, which is part of why it is prescribed so frequently. To […]

Non-Antibiotic Treatment for Lyme Disease: My Lyme Doc

Lyme Disease Natural Treatment

Lyme Disease Natural Treatment Written by Dr. Diane Mueller Lyme Disease Natural Treatment is a great choice for working with this condition. Because Lyme Disease takes months and sometimes years to treat (especially if it is in the chronic stage), natural treatment oftentimes is better than antibiotics due to fewer side effects and less negative […]

Lyme Disease Symptoms in Children: Understanding Signs

Lyme Disease Symptoms in Children

Lyme Disease Symptoms in Children Written by Dr. Diane Mueller Lyme Disease symptoms in children were largely at the start of understanding what Lyme Disease is. Initially, Lyme Disease was discovered by the recognition by Dr. Alan Steer of noticing a large number of children with juvenile arthritis in 1975. Since 1975, we have a […]

Lyme Disease: Beyond Joint Pain Neurological Symptoms

Lyme Disease Neurological Symptoms

Lyme Disease Neurological Symptoms Written by Dr. Diane Mueller Lyme Disease neurological symptoms include minor symptoms such as tingling in extremities all the way to more severe things such as ALS and Parkinson’s Disease. The fact of the matter is that Lyme Disease can cause such neurological inflammation and destruction that it can look like […]

End Chronic Fatigue, Pain, Brain Fog &
More Taught By Expert Dr. Diane Mueller