Beating Lyme Disease and Brain Fog: Tips & Tricks – My Lyme Doc

lyme disease and brain fog

Overcoming Lyme Disease and Brain Fog: Tips & Strategies for Clarity by Dr Diane Mueller – Have you ever felt like your thoughts are wading through a thick fog, unable to grasp clarity? You’re not alone. Many patients battling Lyme describe this exact sensation, commonly known as brain fog. There is a connection between Lyme disease […]

MTHFR Gene Mutation: Link to Lyme & Mold Toxicity

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Understanding The MTHFR Gene Connection to Lyme Disease and Mold Illness Written by Dr. Diane Mueller:  Hey everybody, diving into the intriguing world of genetics and environmental illnesses, today we’re dissecting the complex trio: MTHFR gene, Lyme Disease, and Mold Toxicity. This topic, often shrouded in confusion, deserves a clear-cut breakdown. Understanding the MTHFR Gene and […]

Parasites and Lyme Disease: The Surprising Connection

parasites and lyme disease

The Overlap of Parasites and Lyme Disease Written by Dr. Diane Mueller:  Lyme disease is a bacterial infection spread by ticks. It causes flu-like symptoms and a characteristic bullseye rash. Studies estimate that anywhere from 40-80% of Lyme disease patients are also infected with parasites. This is far higher than the general population. So there’s a connection […]

Understanding Persister Cells Role in Recurring Lyme Disease

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Persister Cells and Lyme Disease: A Deeper Look Written by Dr. Diane Mueller: For those just diving into the realm of Lyme disease, it’s essential to understand this ailment isn’t a simple one to conquer. What’s made it even more challenging is the phenomenon of ‘persister cells’. While many bacteria, like the one causing Lyme – […]

What to Do After Lyme Disease Treatment: A Guide

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What You Need To Know After Lyme Disease Treatment Written by Dr. Diane Mueller:  We’ll be diving into what to do after Lyme disease treatment diving into post-treatment care that are essential to maintaining health and preventing recurrence. Lyme disease has a high rate of recurrence. It might be puzzling, but there’s a scientific explanation: Lyme can […]

Understanding Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – My Lyme Doc

person with chronic fatigue syndrome

What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Do I Know if I have It? Written by Dr. Diane Mueller Are you just tired? Are you overwhelmed? Do you sleep well? How do you know if you have chronic fatigue syndrome or if you are just tired? What is the difference?  Well, let’s dive into exactly what is […]

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Alternative Treatments Guide

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Alternative Treatment

Demystified: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Alternative Treatment Written by Dr. Diane Mueller:  Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a perplexing condition that has often been dismissed or misunderstood by the medical community. It is not a definitive diagnosis but rather a label given when clinicians have not yet identified the underlying causes of the debilitating symptoms. In this blog, we will delve […]

Learn About West Nile Virus: Symptoms and Testing

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West Nile Virus: An Invisible Threat with Far-Reaching Impacts Written by Dr. Diane Mueller:  In the intricate web of life, sometimes the smallest creatures can have the most profound impacts. One such example is the West Nile Virus, a member of the Flavivirus family, often transmitted by an organism as seemingly insignificant as a mosquito. Yet, […]

Fibromyalgia Symptoms In Females Decoded

fibromyalgia symptoms in females

Fibromyaligia Symptoms in Females Written by Dr. Diane Mueller:  Fibromyalgia symptoms in females sometimes are different than symptoms in men. In this article, we will explore what are common symptoms of fibromyalgia as well as ways that it can impact females differently than males. Fibromyalgia is characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and a range of […]

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Alternative Treatments Guide

tests for chronic fatigue syndrome

Tests For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Written by Dr. Diane Mueller:  Proper tests for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is important to understand as it’s a debilitating condition that affects millions of people worldwide. While people are commonly told that there is no cause for chronic fatigue syndrome, this is simply not true. The body does not […]

End Chronic Fatigue, Pain, Brain Fog &
More Taught By Expert Dr. Diane Mueller